Corina Swessinger
Car Insurance Expert
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If you are raising an insurance claim, you must have heard about the term Actual Cash value. What is the reference of this term and what is its significance while processing the insurance claims? It is extremely important to have a solid understanding of this concept as it will be the actual amount that you will be liable to get from the insurance policy. Hence, if you feel like the insurer is not compensating you up to the appropriate extent and you feel like challenging the amount of compensation, you must have a solid grip on this concept as well as aware of the steps to calculate the actual cash value.
The exact terminology holds reference to car trade or to the valuation of one’s property. Typically, this term is used to refer to the value of the damaged cars for determining if the vehicle should be repaired or totaled out. By default, the new vehicles start loosing a certain percentage of its original value, the moment you start driving the car.
Insurers define this term as an alternative way to determine the present market value of a vehicle, For instance, assume, a driver is paying USD 100,000 for the vehicle and he/she drives home in the car. Then, say, after an hour, the car owner decides to dispose the vehicle and he gets a quote of USD 90,000. Thus, it comes out that even if the inherent value of the vehicle is not changing, the actual cash value has changed, just within a span of an hour’s time.
You should not assume that there is a sole way for determining the Actual cash value of your car. This approach is going to vary from one state to another, depending on the make and model of the car as well as from one insurer to another. Following are the key points that are considered for determining the ACV:
Here are some of the methods that are commonly employed to determine the ACV:
As the methods for calculating the ACV are manifold and it takes into account various considerations, it is obvious that there will be differences in opinion about this value, between the car owners and the adjusters. So, you can encounter those instances wherein you can feel that the adjuster is not quoting the appropriate value. Fortunately, you can argue with the adjusters in those instances, if you are convinced like the value is not realistic and under the standard rates.
In those instances, it is suggested that you take either of the following ways to secure your interest:
Thus, if you even feel like the insurer is depriving you of your legal and reasonable dues, you should take necessary actions to establish your rights and claim suitable value as the average cash value for your vehicle.
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